Are You Too Tired to Practice the Guitar?

If you say, “I feel too tired to practice the guitar,” then you are feeling an emotion. Emotions evolved to help us. Feeling too tired keeps you from spending energy on something that won’t benefit you. Your brain is way smarter than you.

The next time you feel too tired to practice, start setting small, achievable goals. For example, have a goal of learning the C scale in three different positions on the guitar neck. It’s a simple goal that is measurable and you will know when its mastered. You will know that you made progress, and you will feel that you didn’t waste your time.

The idea is to not be overwhelmed with tasks, even something you enjoy like playing the guitar. Humans developed emotions to protect themselves. The next time you feel too tired to practice the guitar, it’s your brain trying to protect you from wasting your energy. Practicing the guitar is not a waste of energy. It can be a meditation, a mood improver, an ego booster or even a distraction from the rest of the world. Keep playing the guitar.