I saw this statement on Reddit. I feel like this sometimes. I want to quit playing the guitar when I’m depressed or anxious. When I’m depressed, I am worried about the past. When I’m anxious, I’m worried about the future. (I’ve heard these two statements spoken on YouTube, so they must be true.) When I get to feeling any of these two emotions, I remember to release all attachment to everything. I release attachment to money, success and happiness. Concerning the guitar, I even release my attachment to how well I should be playing or how much I should be playing. I release my attachment to what I should be playing.
Don’t quit. Quitting benefits no one. It doesn’t matter how well you play or what you play. It is practice and it is “a practice”. It’s a meditation. Use the practice of guitar to get out of your head and to get out of your way. You could sit in a chair and practice breathing or you could sit in a chair and practice scales. Or you could go clean your house. A child who was making different noises and tones by plucking a stretched rubber band is happy. Be a child. Remember what it was like to be fascinated by guitars and the sounds guitars made. Remove your attachments and be happy.
Don’t quit, but if you do, find something else to practice.
Unless this…if you are a professional guitar player making your money with your guitar, then you better go practice right now. Practice the songs for your next gig. Stop reading this post and go practice. If you are not a professional, keep reading until the end and then go practice the C scale everywhere on the fretboard.